Love Supreme
“Inspired by The Church of St John Coltrane in San Francisco, A Love Supreme is an invitation to the Taos community and beyond into a space dedicated to the transformative power of music as a vehicle to our primordial relationship to the Divine. The hosting gallery, OmniHum, reflects a resonant sentiment in its name meaning “universal vibration.” This show will engage the senses through visual art that works in coherence with sonic experiences brought forth by the local community as well as a compilation of songs inspired by Coltrane consciousness. This show was seeded during a sermon spoken by Father James Max Haqq that invited the church to remember that “the truth, as St. John Coltrane said, doesn’t have any name on it, but it has a vibration and a sound. Not a fixed vibration but one in an eternal flux of being and becoming.” A Love Supreme at OmniHum will provide a location for that vibration to be expressed in all of its variations.” - Caitlyn Cournale